VoIP Project 006-17 NTN Sudamericana

100% Complete

Project Progress

100% Progress

100% Timing

Start Date

julio 1, 2018

End Date

octubre 31, 2018


Approved Documents


Complete Milestones


Complete Phases


3 / 3 Completed


  • 25% Evaluation of feasibility and background

    We are running over an analog system
    We have no control over the calls that has been made except for basic controls such as:
    - Restriction of calls to cell phones
    - Restriction of international calls
    The monthly phone bill amount is quite excesive
    The phone panel is discontinued and the spare parts are not easy to get

  • 50% Submission of Proposals to the Management

    We have collected 5 proposals from:
    - Vozelia
    - ECOMSA
    - Telconect
    - Cable Onda
    - RICOH

  • 75% Implementation and testing

    Replacing the phones


Expand Discussions | 0 / 4 Completed

Collection of Proposals 0 Documents 0 / 0 Tasks 0 Responses


Collection of Proposals

0/0 No Documents Phase Documents

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Submission of Proposals to the Management 0 Documents 0 / 0 Tasks 0 Responses


0/0 No Documents Phase Documents

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Discussion 0

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Implementation and testing 0 Documents 0 / 0 Tasks 0 Responses


0/0 No Documents Phase Documents

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Certification of Service 0 Documents 0 / 0 Tasks 0 Responses


0/0 No Documents Phase Documents

No documents attached to this phase.

Discussion 0

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Project Discussion No discussions posted at this time

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